




Aclima - Basque Environment Cluster is the reference and agglutinating organization of the Ecoindustry and the environmental services and products of the Basque Country



Aclima - Basque Environment Cluster is the reference and agglutinating organization of the Ecoindustry and the environmental services and products of the Basque Country.

As a cluster, it represents the value chains of waste, contaminated soils, integral water cycle, air and climate change, ecosystems and efficient manufacturing and eco-design. Aclima is a transversal cluster that interacts with the economy as a whole, providing value and competitiveness through sustainability.

With 25 years of experience behind it, Aclima has a privileged vision of the Basque environmental sector that allows it to detect new business and collaboration opportunities. With more than 100 members, Aclima's mission is to promote public-private collaboration through the detection of new business opportunities and the implementation of projects that are useful and also offer added value to members in fields such as internalization, innovation or initiatives in defense and dissemination of the environmental sector.

We are part of RVCTI (Basque Science and Technology Network), and we are registered in the Registry of Innovative Business Groups of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism. In 2020, we presented our roadmap ON THE ROAD 2030, where we are committed to the SDGs and Agenda 2030 and aligned with Strategic Plan 2019-2022, which constitute the lines of work, aimed at increasing technological innovation, fostering business innovation and improving the competitiveness of the environmental sector and interaction with the public sector.



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